Trail Rules
No person shall commit any of the following acts within the Rail Trail system:
- Engage in any violent, abusive, loud, boisterous, vulgar, lewd, wanton, obscene or otherwise disorderly conduct tending to create a breach of the peace or to disturb or annoy others, while in or on any property administrated by or under the jurisdiction of the Borough.
- Possess or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage while in or upon any property administered by or under the jurisdiction of the Borough.
- Possess or be under the influence of any illegal drug or narcotic while in or upon any property administered by or under the jurisdiction of the Borough.
- Throwing or propelling stones or missiles of any kind.
- Hitting or driving golf balls.
- All pets brought to the park must be controlled on a leash. All fecal matter shall be bagged and removed by the owner.
- Horses are prohibited on the Trail.
- Littering is prohibited. All rubbish must be placed in park receptacles.
- Peddle or solicit business of any nature or collect any funds for any service of charity, or to distribute handbills or other advertising matter, to post unauthorized signs on any property administered by or under the control of the Borough without first obtaining a permit from the Borough.
- Setting off, or discharging any firearms, air rifles, air pistols, sling shots or fireworks, including sparklers
- Drive, operate or park any motor vehicle including but not limited to, recreation vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, dirt bike, and unlicensed vehicles with motors in or on any real estate
- Drive, operate or use a vehicle or vehicular device in such a manner as to constitute “trick riding”, or in an unsafe or hazardous manner
- Unless authorized by Hellertown Borough, operating off-road vehicles is prohibited.
- Obstructing, in any way, either totally or partially, any of the paths or roadways in said recreation places.
- Entering or leaving any recreation place by motor vehicle except at the establishing and designated ways of entrance and exit
- Cut, remove, or destroy any trees, sapling, seedling, bush or shrub, whether alive or dead, or chip, blaze, box, girdle, trim or otherwise deface or injure any tree or shrub, or pick, gather, uproot, remove or destroy any flower, plant or grass, except with a permit issued by the Borough.
- Remove or cause to be removed or to dig any sod, earth, humus, peat, boulder, rock, gravel or sand, except with a permit issued by the Borough.
- Posting or displaying any sign, banner, or advertisement of a political or commercial nature.
- Building, starting or lighting any fires except at those places or structures provided therefore.
- Injuring or destroying any wildlife.
- Defacing, writing upon, or mutilating any notice posted within the recreation places by order of Hellertown Borough officials.
- Camp, except in such areas as may be provided and designated for such purposes by the Borough. No person or group shall camp without a permit issued by the Borough.
Adopted by Borough Council April 18, 2011
No person shall commit any of the following acts while using the
Lower Saucon Township portion of the Saucon Rail Trail:
- Using the Saucon Rail Trail, for any purpose, between dusk of each day and dawn of the next day. The Saucon Rail Trail shall be open for use by the public every day of the year, but only between dawn and dusk of each day.
- Persons utilizing the Saucon Rail Trail shall use the designated trail area only and shall not trespass on private property.
- Committing any disorderly act. A person is guilty of committing a disorderly act if, with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior; makes unreasonable noise; uses obscene language, or makes an obscene condition by any act which serves no legitimate purpose of the actor.
- Being visibly intoxicated.
- Consuming any alcoholic beverages.
- Throwing or propelling stones or missiles of any kind.
- Hitting or driving golf balls.
- Permitting animals of any kind to be within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail whether or not under control or leash. Dog walking on a leash shall be permitted. It shall be the responsibility of all canine owners to collect and properly dispose of their canine’s feces.
- Throwing, depositing or draining any offensive or unwholesome substances or liquids of any kind or depositing or throwing any paper, fruit, food, refuse or lunch baskets within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail except in receptacles provided for that purpose.
- Uttering loud, profane, offensive or indecent language.
- Writing, painting, carving, or otherwise defacing or disfiguring any tree, bench or other structure.
- Carrying, setting off, or discharging any firearms, air rifles, air pistols, slingshots or fireworks, including sparklers, in a manner not authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Operating a licensed motorized vehicle on the Saucon Rail Trail other than on the parking areas within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail.
- Operating an unlicensed motorized vehicle. Motorized wheelchairs and Segways® shall be permitted.
- Operating a licensed motorized vehicle on the paved roadways or parking areas of said recreation places at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour.
- Obstructing, in any way, either totally or partially, any of the paths or roadways located within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail.
- Picking or carrying any flowers, shrubs or trees growing or located within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail.
- Carrying any axe, saw, picks, shovels, hoes or spades.
- Posting or displaying any sign, banner, or advertisement of a political or commercial nature.
- Injuring or destroying any wildlife.
- Playing baseball, tennis, football or any other game or sport at a place not designated for that purpose.
- Violating any regulations relating to the use of any building or place.
- Defacing, writing upon, or mutilating any notice posted within, along, or adjacent to the Saucon Rail Trail by order of Lower Saucon Township officials.
- Entering or leaving the Saucon Rail Trail by motor vehicle except at the established and designated ways of entrance and exit.
- Pulling, injuring or breaking any flowers, fruits, plants, trees, grass, shrubs, turf, pump or water fixtures or any other structure.
- Any sound amplification devices used in the park area must be in accordance with Township Nuisance Ordinance No. 78-5.
- Smoking is not permitted on the Saucon Rail Trail.